Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Can't Quit

You can quit your job when you are a banker, manager, accountant, salesperson, nurse, doctor, engineer....

Motherhood and parenthood is that one 'job' you cannot just give up and quit, can you? Can we?


Martha Jin said...

definitely a job where there's no retirement. however,sadly there's been mothers who've thrown in the towel and ran away. I meet many such motherless children in my line of work. sad eh..:(

I'm a full-time mummy said...


Catheryn @ Pink Bibs said...

Hi Martha,
Although our 'job' is nowhere near easy but it is worth it all but it is sad and bitter to know of some children being left behind by their mothers/parents regardless of what the reasons. God bless them.

Kiddothings said...

Cannot quit, cannot retire although there is a choice to, like what Martha experienced. How sad huh?

Carolyn (Lil' Dahling) said...

Of course we can't quit and will not quit. Otherwise, don't choose to be a mother in the first place right? :) A very short, sweet but strong post.

Catheryn @ Pink Bibs said...

Yeah Germaine, no retirement. But God is good that He made parenthood a job which asks for no return and yet all parents give their love and they always go all their way out doing so.

Carolyn, thanks. Cheers & gambate to you and me and all the parents out there!