Friday, August 26, 2011

Dilemma... Decided... Done... Delayed!

I am back. Actually, our router is back, yeah, that's more like it! :) I am trying my best to keep up with all the posts I missed over the past few days! I miss all of you my bloggy buddies!!!

Goodbye 'breakdown' spell! Although I know life is filled with ups and downs but I don't want to see you again, or too soon from now.

This is a delayed post. My dilemma was just about... HAIR. I am sorry if you were expecting for something bombastic and I just disappointed you with this.

I was actually struggling with myself if I should just go back to Shawn of Shawn Cutler who has been my hairstylist since 2009. Or should I challenge myself to leave my hair to a new stylist, Grace Salon.

The reason I struggled over such petty issue is because, I have really stubborn hair. But with Shawn, I have never walk out of his salon, feeling lousy and regretful. He is excellent and makes very good friend with my hair! I have had really bad experience with TALK ONLY NO RESULT so called hair guru(s).

And Dilemma No.2 was.... just when I thought I am done deciding, I need to make up my mind if I should get yet another bob or just a trim so I can keep them long again.


********** SHAWN **********

********* Goodbye Bob ********


I'm a full-time mummy said...

Eh your hair is already quite short wor... somemore cut ar?!!

Kiddothings said...

Aiyo...I thought what big dilemma pulak! But actually for a woman, hair is pretty big. Your dilemma is justified.
Wow, you have big names to do your hair! I usually just go for the cheap cheap ones. That's why you see my hair also cheap cheap looking.
If you're happy with Shawn, why change? But then again if you really want to try Grace, why not? - hair will grow back. Just once give it a go, you'll never know until you try. :)

Alison said...

Hairdressers are one of those people you must stick with. I've been with my hairdresser for 6 years now, following him from salon to salon until he opened his own. I say stick with who you're comfortable with.

I recently cut my hair from 4 inches below my shoulder, to just above chin length. I feel that as I get older, my hair needs to get shorter :) But it's just hair. If you cut it short and don't like it, it'd grow out.

Catheryn @ Pink Bibs said...

Jenny ~ That's the thing with bob la. Needs regular trim. Yeah, my hair was not that long but it is getting thick. Plus, I have had bob since 2008.

Germaine ~ I wish I could just to any hair salon and get the job done. But my hair is really DEGIL. Been to some, came out looking nice and all, but once I wash it at home, DISASTER. I didnt want to go straight to Grace also because the charges is 10star and I dont want to pay that much and regret about it (incase it turns out to be another disaster).

Alison ~ Yes, you are right. Hair will grow anyway. But once you have it short, it is hard to grow it back. And it takes a lot of patience and endurance, specially if you stubborn hair like mine. it goes out of shape fast and stick out like mad once it touches shoulder length. But, wow as short as above chin??? bob? Care to share a pic of your new hairdo?

Carolyn (Lil' Dahling) said...

LOL. now I know what the big dilemma is. I'm also voting for Shawn. Just stick with the person you're comfortable with and the person who will never do your hair wrong.

Catheryn @ Pink Bibs said...

Hey Carolyn!

Are you one of Shawn's patrons too??

Yeah, I agree that it is safer to stick to one person but humans (women) gets greedy sometimes :)