Thursday, September 9, 2010

Be My Guests

GC (a close homechurch friend) and family friend came over to visit us today. It was lunchtime when they arrive and we quickly serve lunch we prepared as they have been on the road since 9am and the kids should be ready for some food.

The initial plan was to leave her kids and Isabelle at our place with both our husbands while the mummies go to a nearby mall for a well deserved break, 'proper' tea time and hardcore mummy's talk. Isabelle and Audrey naps at almost the same time so it is good they can nap comfortably at home and GC's 2 older kids can just hang out or go for a swim. But we spoke too soon, Audrey refused to let mummy leave without her and was crying so pitifully. Our plans went down the drain. I decided that we should all go the the mall then. The kids were jolly happy but mummy were a little disappointed. But there is always a silver lining in every cloud. We sent GC's husband and her 2 kids to the mini playground in the mall. GC with Audrey in the stroller (hoping she will doze off) and I went for coffee at a cafe. Well, we managed to have a peaceful teatime eventually because Audrey finally fell asleep :)

Half way through, my cousin KC and his family gave me call and said they are in town and wanted to pop by to see Isabelle. Ok... hands full. I asked them to drop by at the mall to meet me. They wont be able to see Isabelle yet as she was napping at home with DH.

After killing some time in the mall with my 2 bunch of guests, we headed home and Isabelle could not be any happier to see so many happy faces!

What a busy, warm, fun-filled and joyful day.

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